Alex Curley’s art explores the interactions of light, perception, and experience through painting, navigating the spaces between inside and outside, the city and the sea, past and present, the familiar and the unknown—often merging these elements all at once. A recurring theme of “Reflections” runs through Curley’s work, documenting still moments of everyday life or constructing reimagined spaces that blend perception and introspection. In many instances, Curley renders memories through architectural elements that dissolve into expansive landscapes, highlighting the connections and distinctions between these contrasts. This invites viewers to reflect on how painting creates new perspectives and narratives about their own experiences. Custom-shaped geometric canvases enhance the sense of abstraction, presenting shifting perspectives, evoking warped memories, and inspiring daydreams of travel and transformation.

Curley’s paintings invite viewers to engage with the interplay of perception and memory, encouraging them to reflect on the contrasts and connections in their own experiences and to imagine new ways of seeing and processing the spaces they venture through—both real and reimagined.
